About Us
Our Mission
“Normalizing the Black Queer experience in Tulsa by organizing community events that promote inclusion, awareness, safe spaces and a strong community.”

“Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition.”
— James Baldwin
Black Queer Tulsa’s vision is to be a pillar for Tulsa's Black community to seek insight and guidance in the queer experience. With your support, this community continues to grow, and the shared experience of Black queer Tulsans for generations to come will always have a place to call home. Black Queer Tulsa believes in the power and impact that Black and queer people bring to the spaces we occupy and hearts we encounter. When we come together, we change Tulsa and the world in unimaginable ways!
Meet the Team
Hi, my name is Daniel and I am the founder of Black Queer Tulsa (BQT). I am a Tulsa native and grew up on the west side of Tulsa. I spent some time away in Fort Smith Arkansas to take a break from my busy life back in 2017 and when I returned in Oct. 2019 i realized I did not have community. So I began getting busy with creating that space.
I am currently working as a personal trainer, and the President of BQT. I have worked in IT for the past 4yrs. I am currently working to build my career in the non profit world to make Black Queer Tulsa, not just accessible to Tulsa, but to Oklahoma.
My vision is to be a pillar here for our black community to seek help and guidance when it comes to queerness. Growing up I did not have the correct environment to grow, and neither was there anything in reach for me to get connect to, to grow. I have spent a lot of my life running from myself to meet social standards. I did not know how to handle the cards I was dealt properly, I pushed myself back so that the vision that other saw of me could flourish. I did not have community, and during that time, there were no active resources for me as a young adult to find and learn from.
I’ve always wanted a family that would love and accept me for who I am and allow me to grow and flourish as a queer individual. Now that I have that space, I want to make it available to anyone who wants or need it. This is not political, this is a group of people showing love and kindness to an already marginalized community. With your support I know this community will grow and the black queer generations that are still here with, before and after us will always have a place to call home.
Hi! I am currently a nonprofit consultant with The Common App and have 11 years experience working in nonprofit finance, including roles with the Dallas Foundation and Catholic Charities. After returning to Tulsa in April 2021, I searched for the Black Queer community and was excited to find BQT. I am passionate about providing Black queer Tulsans community and a safe space to live authentically and thrive.
Hi! I’m Neil, Director of Outreach & Public Relations for Black Queer Tulsa. I grew up in Tulsa, but have spent time living in several locations across the world. I am a writer, illustrator and animator in my free time with a love and passion for visual storytelling (that means comics, cartoons, anime and manga!), but all forms of creativity feed my soul. I consider it my mission in life to know, feel and spread joy wherever I can. Expect hugs and smiles when we meet!
By my nature I seek out community, and the vibrancy of the BQT community energizes me! The impact that Black and queer people bring to the spaces we occupy is immensely powerful! When we gather we grow together, and change the world in unimaginable ways!
I’m proud to help build a truly safe space for our Black, queer, LGBTQ2S+ community. That is why BQT truly exists!
Theo is the newest BQT board member. He handles our Marketing and Social media outreach and marketing. He likes to thrift, play video games and is trying to pick up long-boarding. He and his wife Carl, had the the chance to move to Tulsa in 2020 through Tulsa Remote. The first event they attended with BQT was during Pride in 2021. At “The Glow Up” the first person they met was Daniel and he made them feel so welcome. .Theo is excited to work with people within his community, especially trans and non-binary individuals. He’s also looking forward to all of the cool things BQT has planned for the years to come and can’t wait to see this community thrive!
Frequently asked questions
As with any intersectional identity there are specific needs and nuances to the Black, queer experience that are best served by Black and queer individuals. With this community, Black LGBTQIA+ folk have a voice and presence in Tulsa, and in that sense, serve as a point of connection to the larger community of Tulsa!
Per our mission statement, we normalize the Black queer experience in Tulsa. Historically Black, queer individuals have struggled to find acceptance in Tulsa. We create a safe space for our members to be empowered, thrive, and grow with others who understand their experience. Through intentional community building, we help Tulsa become a more accepting, inclusive, safe space for all!
In several ways! Community members and allies are encouraged to attend our open events. Introduce yourselves! Share our events! Donate! Volunteer with us! We pride ourselves on our grassroots support and appreciate everyone who has supported this amazing movement!